7+ Reference About Gonopodium Platy [Latest Update 2021]

17+ posts for gonopodium platy The female southern platyfishs anal fin is fan shaped. Gewhnlich ist die Rckenflosse sehr betont und weist 9 bis 10 Strahlen auf. The anal fin of the male fish has evolved into a gonopodium a stick-shaped organ used for reproduction. Check also: gonopodium and gonopodium platy Deutscher Name Papageien-Platy Lateinischer Name Xiphophorus maculatus.

Im Allgemeinen sind die Platys wegen ihrer Anspruchslosigkeit fr Anfnger geeignet. Wie alle Mnnchen der Lebendgebrenden Zahnkarpfen hat auch das Mnnchen der Platys eine zum Begattungsorgan umgeformte Afterflosse das Gonopodium.

Img 8272 1 W Balloon Wagtail Platy Balloon Fish Platy Fish Marine Fish Der Platy zeigt einen ziemlich kurzen Krperbau u.

Img 8272 1 W Balloon Wagtail Platy Balloon Fish Platy Fish Marine Fish Platy Zucht und Pflege.

Dazu nutz das Mnnchen das Gonopodium. Img 8272 1 W Balloon Wagtail Platy Balloon Fish Platy Fish Marine Fish Gonopodium Platy
Fish Superclass Gnathostomata
Number of views: 400+ times
Uploaded date: February 2021
Open Img 8272 1 W Balloon Wagtail Platy Balloon Fish Platy Fish Marine Fish
Der Platy oder auch Breitkrpfling ist ein beliebter Fisch fr Aquarien-Neulinge. Img 8272 1 W Balloon Wagtail Platy Balloon Fish Platy Fish Marine Fish

Das Gonopodium oder Begattungsflosse der Fische ist ein Organ das aus den kompliziert umgewandelten Strahlen der Afterflosse Anale besteht.

Img 8272 1 W Balloon Wagtail Platy Balloon Fish Platy Fish Marine Fish Das Mnnchen treibt das Weibchen durchs Aquarium und dieses lsst sich dann nach einiger Zeit begatten.

2 cm kleiner als die Weibchen. Wagtail-Platy Lateinischer Name Xiphophorus maculatus. Die Fische sollen schon nach ca. Platy Mnnchen Gonopodium im Kreis Quelle. Die Mnnchen sind am Gonopodium zu erkennen und bleiben ca. Gon Tgung oder gonos Geboort Herkamen un podion lttjen Foot.

Dawn Platy Xiphophorus Maculatus Platy Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Freshwater Aquarium Mit diesem Organ ist die Befruchtung der Keimzellen im Leib des Weibchens und somit das Lebendgebren mglich.

Dawn Platy Xiphophorus Maculatus Platy Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Freshwater Aquarium Das bedeutet sie bilden schon in sehr jungem Alter ein Gonopodium aus manchmal schon bei einer Krpergre von 15 cm.

Platies are from Mexico. Dawn Platy Xiphophorus Maculatus Platy Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Freshwater Aquarium Gonopodium Platy
Fish Class Petromyzontida
Number of views: 160+ times
Uploaded date: September 2016
Open Dawn Platy Xiphophorus Maculatus Platy Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Freshwater Aquarium
Mnnchen mit im Vordergrund Platys und Schwerttrger. Dawn Platy Xiphophorus Maculatus Platy Fish Freshwater Aquarium Fish Freshwater Aquarium

If Your Platy Has A Gonopodium Then It S A Male 100 And The Spot Is Perhaps Just An Example Of Coincidental Coloration Molly Fish Betta Fish Care Pet Fish Bild auf Wikimedia Commons Lizenz.

If Your Platy Has A Gonopodium Then It S A Male 100 And The Spot Is Perhaps Just An Example Of Coincidental Coloration Molly Fish Betta Fish Care Pet Fish Man findet diese sogenannte Begattungsflosse bei le-bendgebrenden Zahnkarpfen.

2 cm kleiner als die Weibchen. If Your Platy Has A Gonopodium Then It S A Male 100 And The Spot Is Perhaps Just An Example Of Coincidental Coloration Molly Fish Betta Fish Care Pet Fish Gonopodium Platy
Fish Class Petromyzontida
Number of views: 900+ times
Uploaded date: September 2017
Open If Your Platy Has A Gonopodium Then It S A Male 100 And The Spot Is Perhaps Just An Example Of Coincidental Coloration Molly Fish Betta Fish Care Pet Fish
Mnnchen knnen eine ganz leichte Verlngerung der unteren Schwanzflosse haben Minischwert und untere Schwanzflosse und Gonopodium knnen einen hellblauen Saum haben etwa beim Korallenplaty. If Your Platy Has A Gonopodium Then It S A Male 100 And The Spot Is Perhaps Just An Example Of Coincidental Coloration Molly Fish Betta Fish Care Pet Fish

Gonopodium Photo Mollymonticello Photobucket Peces Bei Platies kommt es oft vor dass sich sogenannte Frhmnnchen entwickeln.

Gonopodium Photo Mollymonticello Photobucket Peces Both the male and female of this species are similar in coloration however the male has a modified anal fin called a gonopodium.

Gonopodium bi den Platy Xiphophorus maculatus En Gonopodium gr. Gonopodium Photo Mollymonticello Photobucket Peces Gonopodium Platy
Fish Superclass Petromyzontomorphi
Number of views: 180+ times
Uploaded date: April 2019
Open Gonopodium Photo Mollymonticello Photobucket Peces
Platys have a long and delicate gonopodium with a fleshy tip while Mollies have a more curved flange shaped somewhat like an arrow. Gonopodium Photo Mollymonticello Photobucket Peces

Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platy Regular Platy Fish Fish Annelid Platies engage in internal fertilization and the male platy uses the gonopodium to transfer sperm into the female.

Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platy Regular Platy Fish Fish Annelid Gonopodium Das Gonopodium der Fische ist ein Organ das aus den kompliziert umgewandelten Strahlen der After-flosse besteht.

Mehrtall Gonopoden is allgemeen en Extremitt de mit de Evolutschoon mwannelt is un nu ton Bislaap bruukt warrt. Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platy Regular Platy Fish Fish Annelid Gonopodium Platy
Fish Class Acanthodii Extinct
Number of views: 289+ times
Uploaded date: September 2020
Open Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platy Regular Platy Fish Fish Annelid
Mit Beginn der Geschlechtsreife wandelt sich die Afterflosse der Mnnchen in das Gonopodium um. Sunburst Mickey Mouse Platy Regular Platy Fish Fish Annelid

Aquarium Fish Advisor Aquarium Fish Platy Fish Fresh Water Fish Tank Wild varieties are drab in coloration lacking the distinctive dark lateral line common to many Xiphophorus species.

Aquarium Fish Advisor Aquarium Fish Platy Fish Fresh Water Fish Tank Mit diesem Organ ist die Befruchtung der Keimzellen im Leib des Weibchens mglich.

Gewhnlich ist die Rckenflosse sehr betont und weist 9 bis 10 Strahlen auf. Aquarium Fish Advisor Aquarium Fish Platy Fish Fresh Water Fish Tank Gonopodium Platy
Fish Class Sarcopterygii
Number of views: 269+ times
Uploaded date: February 2015
Open Aquarium Fish Advisor Aquarium Fish Platy Fish Fresh Water Fish Tank
Die Mnnchen sind am Gonopodium zu erkennen und bleiben ca. Aquarium Fish Advisor Aquarium Fish Platy Fish Fresh Water Fish Tank

Humongous Platy Belly Livebearer Aquarium Decorations Aquarium Fish Platy Fish Es gibt sie in vielen.

Humongous Platy Belly Livebearer Aquarium Decorations Aquarium Fish Platy Fish Loelo Das Begattungsorgan der Mnnchen der meisten Lebendgebrenden Zahnkarpfen wird Gonopodium genannt.

Gon Tgung oder gonos Geboort Herkamen un podion lttjen Foot. Humongous Platy Belly Livebearer Aquarium Decorations Aquarium Fish Platy Fish Gonopodium Platy
Fish Class Actinopterygii
Number of views: 229+ times
Uploaded date: October 2018
Open Humongous Platy Belly Livebearer Aquarium Decorations Aquarium Fish Platy Fish
Die Mnnchen sind am Gonopodium zu erkennen und bleiben ca. Humongous Platy Belly Livebearer Aquarium Decorations Aquarium Fish Platy Fish

Redtail Black Variatus Moons Platies For Freshwater Aquariums Petsolutions Freshwater Fish Aquarium Fish Live Freshwater Fish Die Fische sollen schon nach ca.

Redtail Black Variatus Moons Platies For Freshwater Aquariums Petsolutions Freshwater Fish Aquarium Fish Live Freshwater Fish Wagtail-Platy Lateinischer Name Xiphophorus maculatus.

2 cm kleiner als die Weibchen. Redtail Black Variatus Moons Platies For Freshwater Aquariums Petsolutions Freshwater Fish Aquarium Fish Live Freshwater Fish Gonopodium Platy
Fish Class Actinopterygii
Number of views: 600+ times
Uploaded date: December 2020
Open Redtail Black Variatus Moons Platies For Freshwater Aquariums Petsolutions Freshwater Fish Aquarium Fish Live Freshwater Fish
 Redtail Black Variatus Moons Platies For Freshwater Aquariums Petsolutions Freshwater Fish Aquarium Fish Live Freshwater Fish

Licg Nl Platy Platy Fish Fish Aquarium Fish

Licg Nl Platy Platy Fish Fish Aquarium Fish

Licg Nl Platy Platy Fish Fish Aquarium Fish Gonopodium Platy
Fish Superclass Gnathostomata
Number of views: 900+ times
Uploaded date: December 2014
Open Licg Nl Platy Platy Fish Fish Aquarium Fish
 Licg Nl Platy Platy Fish Fish Aquarium Fish

Female Guppies Identify Male Identify Male And Female Guppies Image Titled Identify Male And Female Guppi Pet Fish Guppy Fish Tropical Fish Aquarium

Female Guppies Identify Male Identify Male And Female Guppies Image Titled Identify Male And Female Guppi Pet Fish Guppy Fish Tropical Fish Aquarium

Female Guppies Identify Male Identify Male And Female Guppies Image Titled Identify Male And Female Guppi Pet Fish Guppy Fish Tropical Fish Aquarium Gonopodium Platy
Fish Class Petromyzontida
Number of views: 140+ times
Uploaded date: December 2017
Open Female Guppies Identify Male Identify Male And Female Guppies Image Titled Identify Male And Female Guppi Pet Fish Guppy Fish Tropical Fish Aquarium
 Female Guppies Identify Male Identify Male And Female Guppies Image Titled Identify Male And Female Guppi Pet Fish Guppy Fish Tropical Fish Aquarium

 On Freshwater A Q U A R I U M

On Freshwater A Q U A R I U M

On Freshwater A Q U A R I U M Gonopodium Platy
Fish Jawed Vertebrates
Number of views: 170+ times
Uploaded date: February 2016
Open On Freshwater A Q U A R I U M
 On Freshwater A Q U A R I U M

Red Top Platy Fresh Water Fish Tank Fish Freshwater Fish

Red Top Platy Fresh Water Fish Tank Fish Freshwater Fish

Red Top Platy Fresh Water Fish Tank Fish Freshwater Fish Gonopodium Platy
Fish Class Sarcopterygii
Number of views: 700+ times
Uploaded date: February 2014
Open Red Top Platy Fresh Water Fish Tank Fish Freshwater Fish
 Red Top Platy Fresh Water Fish Tank Fish Freshwater Fish

You can draw gonopodium platy Gonopodium photo mollymonticello photobucket peces red top platy fresh water fish tank fish freshwater fish dawn platy xiphophorus maculatus platy fish freshwater aquarium fish freshwater aquarium on freshwater a q u a r i u m licg nl platy platy fish fish aquarium fish female guppies identify male identify male and female guppies image titled identify male and female guppi pet fish guppy fish tropical fish aquarium


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